Nectar Mortgages Charity Partner – Children’s Cancer Institute.

1st September 2021

For us, it’s not enough to simply provide a great service to our customers. We also want to make a positive difference to the lives of others. Nectar Mortgages are proud to have partnered with Children’s Cancer Institute, and we hope that together we can make a big impact towards ending childhood cancer.

September marks International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a month when we honour all children with cancer – those who have survived this devastating disease and those who very sadly have not. These children are the sole focus the research done at Children’s Cancer institute Australia – because every child makes a difference.

Did you know that cancer kills three children every week in Australia – more than any other disease.

So join us and ‘GO GOLD’ this September to mark Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. You can show your support in a number of ways.

Here are the TOP FIVE ways you can help:

  • Organise a fundraiser in September. Download our Fundraising Toolkit.
  • Become a Childhood Champion with a regular, monthly donation means you can make a big difference in the long-term.
  • Volunteer your time
  • Make a one-off tax-deductible donation.
  • Spread the word – You can also become a digital ambassador and share social media posts * engage with CCIA posts about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to increase awareness.

The Gold Ribbon is the International Awareness Symbol of Childhood Cancer, with gold being the international colour of childhood cancer awareness.

Childhood Cancer Statistics

  • Each year, more than 1,000 children and adolescents in Australia – and 300,000 children worldwide – are diagnosed with cancer.
  • Cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia.
  • When a child dies from cancer, an average 70 potential years of life are lost.
  • Every week, about three children and adolescents in Australia – and 1,500 children worldwide – die from cancer.
  • 70% of children who survive cancer suffer long-term effects from their treatment.


Help us find a cure

Sadly, nearly three children and adolescents will die from their cancer every week here in Australia. We believe that is three too many.

How can you help?

Nectar Mortgages are inviting staff to join our collaborative efforts by getting involved in our fundraising events this year. All of the money raised will be shown on this page so that we have a running total and can see how close we are to our target.

How Nectar Mortgages is helping?

2021 is the fourth year that Nectar Mortgages are proudly partnering with Children’s Cancer Institute to support their goal of every child surviving their cancer.

In 2021, with the help of staff, we are again hoping to contribute to this great cause and help raise valuable funds for personalised medicine programs for children with high-risk cancer, who would otherwise have little chance of survival.

About Children’s Cancer Institute

Every year more than 950 Australian children and adolescents will be diagnosed with cancer, and every week nearly three Australian children and adolescents will die of cancer. Children’s Cancer Institute exists solely to put a stop to this.

As the only independent medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to childhood cancer, their role is vital. Because despite their progress cancer still kills more children than any other disease. Their task won’t be easy – childhood cancer is hugely complex – but they’re confident that with the brightest brains, the best facilities and the greatest determination, they will get the job done.

Curing childhood cancer. It’s not if. It’s when.